Clay Time!
Charitas urgently needs to secure funding to extend the viability of the Goliath Estate Playgroup beyond June 2025.
Kraaifontein Library Visit
Kraaifontein Library visit at the pre-school playgroup in Goliath Estate.
Cultural Exchange Project
Some of the girls from Goliath Estate who will be participating in the Cultural Exchange project with Queen Margeret School for Girls.
Skooltassie Launched
Stationary bags in hand, children excitedly fit and find their shiny new shoes to jump right into the 2025 academic year.
100 Pairs of Shoes
12/50 pairs collected [16 October 2024]: We’re excited to see the line grow!
Storytelling with the Library
Ronique from Kraaifontein Library engaging our pre-school learners with a story.
Making a Difference
Sometimes, something as small as a sandwich can mean the world to someone.
Playgroups in Goliath Estate
Classes continue despite the blistering cold weather experienced in the Western Cape over the past few weeks.
Teacher First Aid Training
Two pre-school teachers from Goliath Estate attend the Stereos Training and Development Centre’s First Aid course.
Teacher Training Workshops
A demonstration of teaching techniques presented to some of the attendees at this well-attended preschool teacher training session hosted by Kraaifontein Library.
Child Protection Week
A representative from Badisa presenting an insightful workshop on Children’s rights.
Department of Social Development Visit
Fourteen ladies from Goliath Estate attended a talk by the Department of Social Development, hosted by Charitas.
Queen Margaret’s School for Girls reflect on Shoebox project
The learners of Queen Margaret’s School for Girls watch a video of the shoeboxes full of stationary and toys are finally handed to the learners they were collected for.
Spontaneous Sports Day in Goliath Estate
Pieter Boer, the Charitas Sports Coordinator, demonstrating an activity to the boys.
Spreading Some Autumn Cheer
Ria Beed and Jill Rastall hand over the boxes to Wesley Moodley representing Center of Excellence in Bishop Lavis.